So I Come to You My Lord Again
Classic world missions hymns and gospel songs
Titles, lyrics, recordings, printed music sources
Songs for Faith Promise Conventions and other missions or missionary events such as Piece of work & Witness team commissioning services
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Classic missions songs in the public domain (unless otherwise noted) -- links to gratuitous music downloads. Lyrics, audio of tunes and stories behind many of these songs can be plant at:
In 1523, Martin Luther wrote a missionary hymn based on Psalm 67. Titled "May God Bestow on United states of america His Grace," it has been called "the first missionary hymn of Protestantism."
Promoting Christian missions through music: Looking for a Faith Promise or missions conference theme? Employ one of these song titles. Some or all of the verses of these songs lend themselves to missionary emphases
Links to printable lyrics and music every bit well equally recordings have been included.
- A Missionary Weep -- Albert B. Simpson and James Burke
- "A hundred thousand souls a day are passing one by one abroad in Christless guilt and gloom. . . . They're passing to their doom."
- 1891 [ printed music and words from 1962 Christian and Missionary Alliance hymnal ]
- A Earth-Wide Revival — Lelia Morris ( often listed as "Mrs. C. H. Morris")
- "For a globe-wide revival, blessed Master, we pray. . . for this globe, dearly purchased by the blood of God's Son, back from Satan's rule and from sin must be won."
- 1910 [ printed music ]
- All The World for Jesus — Grace Davis and J.H. Fillmore
- "All the world for Jesus! Allow each one pray and give until remotest nations1 shall wait to Him and live."
- 1894 [ printed music ]
- All Over the Globe — Eliza Hewitt and William Kirkpatrick
- "Call up of the millions who never take heard one precious promise from God's holy Word. . . . Let the vivid banner of honey be unfurled all over the world."
- 1896
- Anywhere with Jesus — Jessie B. Pounds, Helen C. Alexander (stanzas 3-4) and Daniel B. Towner
- "Anywhere with Jesus, over land and body of water, telling souls in darkness of salvation free; ready equally He summons me to go or stay, anywhere with Jesus when He points the way."
- 1887
- Arm of the Lord, Awake — William Shrubsole and Lowell Mason
- "Almighty God, thy grace proclaim, in ev'ry country, of ev'ry name."
- 1796 [ printed music and lyrics from 1910 Costless Methodist Hymnal ]
- Bring Them In — Alexcenah Thomas and William Ogden (Matthew 18:12)
- "Hark! 'Tis the Master speaks to thee, 'Go find my lambs, where'er they be.'"
- 1885 [ printed music ] [ Sing to the Lord hymnal ] [ Recorded on CD "Inspirational Favorites: Burl Ives ]
- Bringing in the Sheaves -- Knowles Shaw and George Minor
- "Sowing in the morn . . . Waiting for the harvest and the time of reaping, we shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves."
- 1874 [ YouTube ] [ printed music ] [ "Great Hymns of the Religion" hymnal ]
- Christ for the World We Sing -- Samuel Wolcott (Mark 16:xv)
- "Christ for the earth we sing! The world to Christ we bring with loving zeal . . . with fervent prayer . . . with joyful song."
- 1869 -- [ published in Hear the Phone call songbook ] [ Midi audio and lyrics ]
- Come, Labor On! — Jane Borthwick and J. Buchanan MacMillan
- "Who dares stand idle on the harvest plainly while all effectually him waves the golden grain?"
- 1962 (Music), Christian Publications [ printed music and words from 1962 Christian and Missionary Alliance hymnal ]
- Disciple the Nations — Dan Whittemore
- "Come, allow us do all nosotros tin. Come, let u.s.a. all join our hands and disciple the nations until Jesus returns."
- 1976, Lillenas Publishing [ printed music ]
- Eternal God, Whose Power Upholds (Everyland) -- Henry Tweedy and Lily Rendle
- "Eternal God, . . . to whom at that place is . . . no alien race, no foreign shore, no child unsought, unknown. O send usa forth, Thy prophets true."
- 1928 (winner of winner of Hymn Society of America's annual missionary hymn competition) -- [ printed music ]
- Facing a job unfinished -- Frank Houghton
- "Facing a job unfinished that drives us to our knees . . . The solemn pledge we owe Thee to get and make Thee known."
- 1930, Overseas Missionary Fellowship [ printed in Songs of Fellowship Collection, Vol. one ]
- Fill up upwardly the ranks -- Albert B. Simpson and George Stebbins
- "They are falling by the mighty Congo, They are dying in the dark Soudan; They are lying neath the sun of Republic of india, They are buried past the shores of Nippon . . . Who will enlist in the hosts of the Lord?"
- [ printed music from 1962 Christian and Missionary Alliance hymnal ]
- Fling out the banner — George Doane and John Calkin (same tune used with "I heard the bells on Christmas day")
- "Fling out the banner! heathen lands shall see from far the glorious sight"
- 1848, [ printed music ]
- Follow Me — Ira Stamphill
- "Oh, Jesus, if I die upon a foreign field anytime, 'Twould be no more than dear demands, no less could I repay"
- 1953 [ She et music to download ]
- For My Sake and the Gospel's -- Edward H. Bickersteth and Arthur S. Sullivan
- "The trump of jubilee proclaims to every nation, from pole to pole, by land and sea, glad tidings of salvation."
- 1899 [ printed music and words from 1962 Christian and Missionary Alliance hymnal ]
- For the Whole Wide World — Lelia Morris ( often listed as "Mrs. C. H. Morris" )
- "Of one blood God hath made all the nations of the earth. . . . We must conduct the Gospel to earth'south remotest jump. Men are dying for the precious word."
- 1912 [ printed music ]
- From Greenland's Icy Mountains -- Reginald Heber and Lowell Bricklayer
- "Salvation! O Conservancy! The blithesome sound proclaim, 'til earth'due south remotest nation has learned Messiah'southward name."
- 1819 [ printed music ] [ Peachy Hymns of the Faith hymnal ]
- From the ascension of the sun — anonymous
- "From the rise of the sun to the going down of the aforementioned, the name of the Lord shall exist praised" (the allusion in Psalm 113, from which this is taken, is geographical rather than fourth dimension of 24-hour interval)
- [ words and sound ]
- Become! — Paul Rader
- "'Farthest part' is His order; Dare any reply no? What will you do when you run into Him, if you refuse to go?"
- 1918 [ printed music ] Also published in Hymns of Glorious Praise ]
- Go and Tell Them -- A.B. Simpson and Ada Gibbs
- Transport the gospel of salvation to a globe of dying men. Tell it out to every nation till the Lord shall come again."
- [ Voices in Worship hymnal ]
- Go Along And Tell! -- James Sheldon (Acts 1:8)
- "O Church of God, awake! God's saving news to all the nations take. . . . Go till all nations His slap-up name admire."
- 1964, Jubilate Hymns Express / Promise Publishing [ Sing to the Lord hymnal, ready to George Warren's "National Hymn" tune ]
- Go, Labor On: Spend and Exist Spent — Horatius Bonar
- "The globe'due south dark night is hastening on. . . . Go forth into the world's highway. Compel the wanderer to come up in."
- 1843
- Get Tell the Untold Millions -- John W. Peterson
- "Out in the darkness of sin they are waiting . . . Get tell the untold millions over the whole world wide."
- 1962, Singspiration [ Great Hymns of the Faith hymnal ] [published in Hymns of Glorious Praise hymnal ]
- Get Ye Into All the World — James McGranahan
- "All power is given unto Me. Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel."
- 1886 [ printed music ] [constitute as "Far, Far, Far Away in Sin and Darkness Domicile" in Hymns for the Family unit of God hymnal ]
- Go, Ye Messengers of God — Joshua Marsden and William J. Kirkpatrick
- "Bear the tidings circular the ball; visit every soil and sea. Preach the cross of Christ to all."
- 1812 [ printed music ]
- God calls Us -- Linda Rebuck and Tom Fettke
- "Considering so many demand to know, information technology's upwardly to y'all and me to go . . . God calls usa."
- 1985, Airplane pilot Point Music and Lillenas Publishing [ printed music ]
- Gospel Tidings -
- "How beauteous are their feet who stand on Zion's hill, who bring salvation on their tongues. . . Through all the earth abroad; let every nation now behold their Savior and their God."
- Hail To The Brightness of Zion's Glad Morning (likewise known as "The Latter Day") -- Thomas Hastings and Lowell Mason (Isaiah nine:ii)
- "Joy to the lands that in darkness take lain! . . . See, from all lands, from the isles of the sea, praise to the Savior ascending on high."
- 1831[ Dandy Hymns of the Organized religion hymnal ]
- Hark! The Vocalisation of Jesus Calling — Daniel March and Louis von Esch ( besides known as "Hear the Vocalization of Jesus Calling")
- "Who volition go and work today? Fields are white, the harvest waiting. Who volition bear the sheaves away?"
- 1868 [ printed music ] [ found equally "Hear the Voice of Jesus Calling" in Hymns for the Family of God hymnal ]
- Harvest Bells — William Penn and J.One thousand. Hunt
- "The harvest field is white, and many souls are sinking into eternal night. The harvest bells are ringing."
- 1882
- Harvest Time -- Paul Rader and Lance Latham
- "The harvest fields are bending with precious ripened grain; More than reapers now are needed."
- 1921
- Harvest Time — Wanda Smith
- The grain is falling; the Savior's calling. Oh, do non wait! It'southward growing tardily. Behold, the fields are white; information technology's harvest time."
- 1949, Aim High Music Group / BMG Music Publishing Published in Sing His Praise
- Haste Away — Onie L. Francis
- "Rouse, O reapers, up and haste abroad . . . Haste unto the world wide harvest field."
- 1923 (published in 3 hymnals: Gospel Tidings: a Book of Select Gospel Songs, The Crown, and Victory for Christian Work and Worship)
- He Was Not Willing — Lucy Meyer
- "Perishing, perishing! Harvest is passing, reapers are few and the dark drawing most."
- [ printed music from 1962 Christian and Missionary Brotherhood hymnal ]
- Heralds of Christ -- Laura Copenhaver and George Warren
- "Through desert means, night fen, and deep morass, through jungles, sluggish seas and mountain pass . . . Ready across the earth the King's highway."
- 1915 [ printed music ]
- Here Am I, Send Me -- Charles Gabriel and J. Gilchrist Lawson
- "The field is white, the laborers few. Here am I, send me! Over mount, plain or ocean,. . . I'll go to the ends of the earth for Thee."
- 1910 [ printed music ]
- How Beauteous Are Their Anxiety -- Isaac Watts and Louis Bourgeois (Romans 10:15)
- "How beauteous are their feet . . . who bring salvation on their tongues. . . Permit every nation now behold their Savior and their God!"
- 1707
- How Shall They Hear the Give-and-take of God? -- Michael Perry and Koch
- "How shall the gospel be preached that sinners may apologize? . . . So, ship us Lord, for we rejoice to speak of Christ with life and vocalization."
- 1982 (lyrics), Hope Publishing [ printed pianoforte music ] [ audio file ]
- I'll Go Where You Want Me To Become -- Mary Brown and Carrie Rounsefell
- "At that place's surely somewhere a lowly place in globe'southward harvest fields so wide where I may labor through life's curt twenty-four hours for Jesus the Crucified."
- 1899 [ YouTube ] [ printed music ] [ published in Hear the Call songbook ] [ Great Hymns of the Faith ] [ published in Hymns of Glorious Praise hymnal ]
- If Jesus Goes With Me — C. Austin Miles
- "Information technology may be I must carry the blest word of life across the burning deserts to those in sinful strife . . . If Jesus goes with me, I'll go anywhere."
- 1908 [ Songs of Faith and Praise hymnal ] [ published in Hymns of Glorious Praise hymnal ]
- Imagine the Harvest — Todd Webb
- "Imagine the harvest; reach out to our globe. Retelling the story . . . Redeeming the lost ones at home and away."
- 1997, Nazarene World Mission Order (Quadrennial theme vocal) [ Canvass music: lyrics and music ]
- In Christ There Is No Due east Or West — William Dunkerley (John Oxenham) and Alexander Reinagle
- "In Christ there is no East or West, In Him no South or North; But one great fellowship of love throughout the whole wide earth."
- 1908 [ published in Hear the Phone call songbook ] [ Great Hymns of the Faith hymnal ]
- Increase My Vision — Dick Anthony
- "Increase my vision, my vision of the lost; assist me to empathise the value, non the cost."
- 1971, Lillenas Publishing [ printed music ]
- Jesus Saves! — Priscilla J. Owens and William J. Kirkpatrick (Psalm 96:two)
- "Bear the news to every land. Climb the steeps and cross the waves. 'Onward!' 'tis our Lord'southward control."
- 1868 -- [ Sing to the Lord hymnal ]
- Jesus Shall Reign — Isaac Watts and John Hatton
- "Jesus shall reign where'er the lord's day does his successive journeys run . . . People and realms of every tongue dwell on His love."
- 1719 [ printed music ] [ hymn story ]
- Jesus, Use Me ‐ Jack and Billy Campbell
- "If information technology be Thy will, Lord, to send me o'er the body of water, I'll follow Thee tho' expiry should come my manner."
- 1963, Gospel Publishing House [ published in Hymns of Glorious Praise hymnal ]
- Labor On — Christopher R. Blackall and W. Howard Doane
- "In the harvest field there is piece of work to practice, For the grain is ripe, and the reapers few"
- `870
- Atomic number 82 On, O King Eternal — Ernest Shurtleff and Henry Smart
- "Lead on, O King eternal, to lands of deepest night; Nosotros follow where Thou leadest as heralds of the light" ( words from third verse found only in Voices in Worship: Hymns of the Christian Life hymnal )
- Let United states Go -- Albert B. Simpson and Ludwig van Beethoven (arrangement past Eldon McBride)
- "Let us become and preach the gospel as a witness to the world. And for every natural language and people let Christ'southward imprint be unfurled."
- 1998 (music) Eldon McBride [ Voices in Worship hymnal ]
- Let your centre exist cleaved — Bryan Jeffery Leech and Fred Bock
- "Let your middle be broken for a world in need . . . Blest to exist a blessing . . . Serve Him far and near."
- 1976, Fred Bock Music Company [ Hymns for the Family unit of God hymnal ]
- Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Gates of Contumely — James Montgomery
- "Where hallowed footsteps never trod, accept your appointed post. . . .Become to the conquest of all lands — All must be His at length"
- [ printed music from 1962 Christian and Missionary Brotherhood hymnal ]
- Lord of the Living Harvest — John S. B. Monsell and Lowell Mason
- "Lord of the living harvest that whitens o'er the plainly . . . Accept these easily to labor, these hearts to trust and love."
- 1866 [ printed music ]
- Lord of the Harvest -- Neb O'Brien and Dick Anthony
- "Lord of the harvest, the laborers are so few; Lord of the harvest, at that place's so much yet to do."
- 1977, Lillenas Publishing Visitor [ printed music ]
- Lord, Thy Church On Earth Is Seeking -- Hugh Sherlock and Thoro Harris
- We would listen thy Slap-up Committee, Go ye into every place'"
- 1959, Nazarene Publishing House [ MP3 audio ] [ words and music printed in The Baptist Hymnal (1991 edition) ]
- Macedonia -- Anne Ortlund and Henry Cutler (Acts xvi:9)
- "The vision of a dying world is vast earlier our eyes"
- 1966, Anne Ortlund [ Hymns for the Family of God hymnal ]
- Missionaries -- Claude and Carolyn Rhea
- "Missionaries tell of Jesus round the earth . . I can help them."
- 1975, Lillenas Publishing [ printed music ]
- My Trust -- A.B. Simpson and Cistron Rivard
- "Allow me be faithful to my trust, telling the world the story. Press on my middle the woe. Requite me the will to go."
- 2002 (music), Factor Rivard [ Voices in Worship hymnal ]
- O Zion, Haste — Mary Ann Thomson and James Walch (Isaiah xl:ix) (also titled "O Christians, Haste")
- "Proclaim to every people, tongue and nation that God, in whom they live and move, is dear. Tell how He stooped to save His lost creation and died on earth that man might live in a higher place."
- 1868 -- [ printed music ] [ published in Sing to the Lord hymnal ]
- Our God Reigns -- Leonard (Lenny) Smith
- "How lovely on the mountains are the anxiety of him who brings good news."
- 1974, 1978, New Jerusalem Music [ sheet music with melody line and guitar chords ] [ SATB organisation past Tom Fettke ] [ Lenny Smith and family unit singing ] [ orchestral background ]
- Our Mission — Margot Zilch
- "Nosotros go at His commission, We move at His command . . . to men of every land."
- 1968, Gospel Publishing House [ published in Hymns of Glorious Praise hymnal ]
- Achieve Your Arms Around The World — Haldor Lillenas and Vida Munden Nixon
- "Spread abroad the story of conservancy, the world wide world around; to each kindred, every tribe and nation, wherever sin is found."
- 1928, Renewed 1955, Lillenas Publishing Visitor [ published in Hymns of Glorious Praise hymnal ]
- Set — Charles Tillman and A.C. Palmer or Southward.E.L.
- "Set to stay at domicile and transport others if He sees best. Ready to go, set to stay."
- 1903 [ printed music ] [ published in Hymns of Glorious Praise hymnal ]
- Reapers, Haste Away -- Virgil O. Stamps
- "O come across the golden harvest . . . Go to the harvest field."
- Used in 2 hymnals: Favorite Radio Songs and Praise Evangel for Sun Schools
- Redeem the Time — Albert B. Simpson and Margaret M. Simpson
- "Redeem the fourth dimension, let the states transport the gospel to the uttermost premises of the human race; Over all the world let usa spread the tidings while lasts our twenty-four hours of grace."
- 1962, Christian Publications [ printed music from 1962 Christian and Missionary Alliance hymnal ]
- Rescue the Perishing — Fanny Crosby and William Doane (Jude 23)
- "Rescue the perishing. Duty demands it. Strength for thy labor the Lord will provide."
- 1869 [ printed music ] [ published in Hymns of Glorious Praise hymnal and in Sing to the Lord hymnal ]
- Rise, Thou Lite of Gentile Nations — Hermann Fick and Johann Thommen
- "Sound we forth the Gospel tidings to the globe's remotest bound that the sinner has been pardoned and forgiveness tin be plant. . . May our zeal to help the heathen be increased from day to day."
- 1885
- Roll On, Thou Mighty Ocean — James Edmeston and Robert Jackson
- "Bear messengers of mercy to ev'ry state . . . that man may sit in darkness and death'due south blackness shade no more"
- 1822 [ printed music ]
- Saving and Serving — Albert B. Simpson and Margaret Yard. Simpson
- Going where darkness and sorrow are plant; Seeking the lost to world's uttermost bounds."
- [ printed music from 1962 Christian and Missionary Brotherhood hymnal ]
- Savior, Sprinkle Many Nations — Arthur C. Coxe and John Zundel (Isaiah 1:15 KJV)
- "Savior, lo, the isles are waiting. . . . Of the preacher, speed the pes and touch the tongue 'til on world past every creature 'Glory to the Lamb' be sung."
- 1851 [ printed music ]
- Send the Gospel Light — Fanny Crosby and Ira Sankey
- "Send the Light, oh, send it quickly to the isles beyond the sea"
- 1899
- Ship the Light -- Charles Gabriel
- "There'due south a telephone call comes ringing o'er the restless moving ridge, 'Send the light!' . . . We take heard the Macedonian telephone call today, 'Send the light!'"
- 1890, [ published in Sing to the Lord hymnal ] [ Groovy Hymns of the Religion hymnal ] [ Recorded on CD "Country Mountain Hymns, Vol. 2" ]
- Then Send I Yous — Otis Skillings
- "And then send I yous. Unto the uttermost part of the earth, proclaiming the message til all men take heard"
- 1985 and 1987, Lillenas Publishing [ printed music ]
- So Send I You — by Grace Made Potent — Margaret Clarkson with music by two different composers: John W. Peterson and Kurt Kaiser (John 20:21)
- "Every bit the Father has sent Me, and so send I you . . . to take to souls in bondage the Give-and-take of truth that sets the captive gratuitous."
- 1964, Singspiration Music / Benson Music Group [ published in Sing to the Lord hymnal (music by Peterson) ]
- Souls in Death and Darkness Lying — Cecil F. Alexander and Thomas Hastings
- "Souls in expiry and darkness lying where no light has cleaved through . . . Thousand voices call us o'er the waters blue."
- 1830
- Speak, My Lord — George Bennard
- "Hear the Lord of the harvest sweetly calling, Who will go and work for me today? Who will bring to me the lost and dying?"
- 1911[ printed music ] [ published in Hymns of Glorious Praise hymnal ]
- Speed Away — Fanny Crosby and Isaac Woodbury
- "Speed abroad, speed away, on your mission of low-cal, To the lands that are lying in darkness and night."
- 1890, [ printed music with lyrics by Thomas Nelson (1899) ]
- Speed the Light — Elisha Hoffman
- "To the millions living o'er the deep, deep body of water, speed the calorie-free . . . At that place in ache millions for the gospel await. Speed the light. . . . Souls are waiting and the fields are white."
- 1899 [ printed music and words from 1962 Christian and Missionary Alliance hymnal ]
- Have My Life and Let It Exist — Frances Havergal
- "Take my life and let it exist consecrated, Lord to thee. . . . Take my feet and let them be swift and beautiful for thee."
- 1874 [ printed music ] [ Recorded on CD "Hymns in the Vineyard" ]
- Tell the Blessed Story — Haldor Lillenas (I Corinthians i:23)
- "'Go ye into all the world' and everywhere tell the blessed story of the cross. . . . Stand no longer idle while the moments fly."
- 1920 [ printed music ] [ published in Sing to the Lord hymnal ]
- That the World May Know — Sue Caudill
- "I want the earth to know that Jesus loves them and so."
- 1985, Nazarene Publishing House [ printed music ]
- The Battle Is the Lord's -- E. Margaret Clarkson and Meyer Lyon
- "The harvest fields are white: How few the reaping hands announced, their force how slight! All the same victory is sure."
- [ printed music and words from 1962 Christian and Missionary Brotherhood hymnal ]
- The Breaking of the Bread -- Beatrice Bixler
- "Today they die in heathen lands. They die in want and dread, for they have been omitted in the breaking of the Bread. Lord, I would give them the Bread of Life."
- 1944, Singspiration [ Voices in Worship hymnal ]
- The Call for Reapers -- J.O. Thompson and J.B.O. Clemm (besides called "Far and Near")
- "Far and about the fields are teeming with waves of ripened grain. . . Lord of the harvest, ship for reapers!"
- [ printed music ] [ Great Hymns of the Faith hymnal ] [ published in Hymns of Glorious Praise hymnal ]
- The Kingdom Is Coming — Mary B. C. Slade and Rigdon Thousand. McIntosh (tune also credited to Emilius Laroche)
- "The voice of salvation awakes every nation. 'Come over and help us,' they cry."
- 1876 [ printed music ]
- The Light of the World Is Jesus — Philip Bliss
- "The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin. The Light of the world is Jesus!"
- 1875 [ printed music ]
- The Macedonian Weep — Mrs. Cecil Alexander and Thomas Hastings
- "Souls in infidel darkness lying where no light has broken through; souls that Jesus bought past dying. . . . Thousand voices call us."
- [ printed music ]
- The Morning time Lite is Breaking — Samuel Smith and George Webb (same tune every bit "Stand up Upwards, Stand Up for Jesus")
- "Blest river of conservancy, pursue thine onward way. Menstruation thou to every nation, nor in thy richness stay."
- 1851 [ printed music ]
- The 90 and Nine — Elizabeth Clephane and Ira Sankey
- 1868 [ printed music ]
- The Regions Beyond — A. B. Simpson and Margaret Simpson
- "To the regions beyond I must go . . . where the story has never been told . . . Till all the world, His salvation shall know."
- 1904 [ printed music ] [ published in Hymns of Glorious Praise hymnal ]
- The Vision — H.C. McKinney and Oren Munger
- I accept seen the infidel in their darkness, I have heard their weep of grim despair; All my heart is burning with the passion to bring to them the light of Jesus."
- 1950, Gospel Publishing House [ published in Hymns of Glorious Praise hymnal ]
- The Whole Wide Earth for Jesus — J. Demster Hammond and William J. Kirkpatrick
- "The whole broad world! Proclaim the Gospel tidings thro' the whole wide world! . . . Till ev'ry tongue confess Him."
- 1885
- The Work Must Go On -- Laurene Highfield and Samuel Beazley
- "A glad message rings through the world today . . . The good work must go along and on, til the world for our Lord is won."
- 1911, renewed 1939, Nazarene Publishing House [ printed music ]
- This Pair of Hands -- Floyd Hawkins
- "To bring Thy healing touch to darkest lands, I give to Thee, my God, this pair of hands."
- 1963, 1991, Lillenas [ published in Hear the Call songbook ]
- Thou Whose Omnipotent Word -- John Marriott and Felice de Giardini
- "Move on the waters' face, bearing the lamp of grace, and in globe's darkest place, Let there be light. . . . Through the globe, far and wide, Permit at that place be light."
- 1813 [ printed music and words from 1962 Christian and Missionary Brotherhood hymnal ]
- Throw Out the Lifeline -- Edwin Ufford and George Stebbins
- "Throw out the lifeline to danger-fraught men sinking in anguish where you've never been . . . Haste so, my brother, no fourth dimension for delay."
- 1888 [ printed music ]
- Thy Kingdom Come — Albert B. Simpson
- "This is the song I sing: Thy kingdom come, Thy kingdom come. . . Through all the earth away where humankind has trod, send forth thy word, O God."
- [ Voices in Worship hymnal ]
- Till the Whole World Knows -- Alfred and Bentley Ackley
- "I'll tell to all that God is love; for the world has never known the great compassion of His middle . . . I will shout and sing of Christ my King, till the whole earth knows"
- 1951, Rodeheaver [ published in Hymns of Glorious Praise hymnal ]
- Twelve Is Non Enough -- Ted Wuerffel
- "'Go into the globe,' He'south calling you lot . . . God into the earth and preach the Gospel!"
- 1982 and 1986, Lillenas Publishing [ printed music ]
- Unto the Uttermost -- Beth Tuley
- In Jerusalem and in Samaria, unto the uttermost! To the millions lost, we must bear the cross."
- 1964, Gospel Publishing House [ published in Hymns of Glorious Praise hymnal ]
- We'll Girdle the Earth -- V.A. Dake and Ida M. Dake
- "Nosotros'll girdle the globe with salvation, with holiness unto the Lord! And light shall illumine each nation, the low-cal from the lamp of His word!" classic lyrics that mean we'll cover the earth or we'll go all the way around the globe
- 1891, [ printed music ]
- We've a Story to Tell to the Nations -- H. Ernest Nicol (Matthew 24:xiv)
- "We've a story to tell to the nations that shall turn their hearts to the right. . . . Nosotros've a vocal to be sung to the nations that shall lift their hearts to the Lord, a vocal that shall conquer evil and shatter the spear and sword."
- 1896 -- [ published in Sing to the Lord hymnal ] [ "Keen Hymns of the Faith" hymnal ] [ published in Hymns of Glorious Praise hymnal ] [ Recorded on carve up trax CD "America's 25 Favorite Hymns, Vol. 4" ]
- When the whole globe lives for Him -- B.D. Ackley and William Charles Poole
- "When the whole world lives for Jesus . . . Let us work and haste that day when each tribe and land and nation gladly owns His rule and sway."
- 1938, Rodeheaver, Word Music [ printed music ]
- Where He Leads Me -- Edward Blandy and John Norris (Matthew 4:19)
- "I can hear my Savior calling, 'Take thy cross and follow, follow me.'"
- 1890 [ Mahalia Jackson on YouTube ]
- Wherever He Leads, I'll Go — B.B. McKinney
- 1964, Broadman Press [ story behind the song ]
- Win the Lost at Any Cost — Leon Ellis
- "Souls are dying, men are crying, won't you lead them to the cantankerous? Become and find them, help to win them."
- 1959, Tennessee Music and Printing Visitor / SpiritSound Music
- Ye Christian Heralds! — Bourne Draper and Heinrich Zeuner
- "Go proclaim salvation through Immanuel'southward proper noun. To distant climes the tidings conduct and plant the Rose of Sharon in that location."
- 1803 [ printed music ]
- Ye Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim — Charles Wesley and Johann Haydn/William Croft (Psalm 123:1; Revelation 7:ix-12)
- "Ye servants of God, your Chief proclaim, and publish away His wonderful Name."
- 1744 [ Voices in Worship hymnal ]
- Your Mission — Ellen Gates and Sidney Grannis
- "If you cannot on the ocean sail amid the swiftest fleet . . . You can lend a paw to help them as they launch their boats away."
- 1860 [ printed music ]
For those songs that are notwithstanding under copyright, contact the publishers concerning costs for reproducing them.
1Note: In the Bible, the word "nations" does not hateful the political entities like China, India and the USA. Rather, information technology ways people groups or societies in which people speak the same language, accept the same culture and live in or have originated the same area. "Natioins" is synonymous with the plural give-and-take "peoples." In other words, nations in the Bible means all of the people groups of the earth other than the people of Israel.
-- compiled by Howard Culbertson
Where tin we notice music for our missions conference?
Try these two sources:
The CyberHymnal
- Hear the Call: 50 Songs of Missions and Evangelism, compiled by Ken Bible
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